The Anti-Phishing Working Group eCrime Researchers Scholarship Program was conceived and organized by APWG Deputy Secretary-General Foy Shiver in 2006 as a support mechanism for scholars in the emerging discipline of eCrime research to participate in the annual APWG eCrime Researchers Summit.

The rush of enthusiasm that attended the initial call for papers in Spring, 2006 indicated a wide interest in a peer-reviewed conference on eCrime research. A great deal of that research, however, came from a number of universities with modest resources that often precluded supporting travel of principal investigators whose papers had been accepted by the review committee.

DSG Shiver interrogated the cohort’s needs and found that APWG could, without great cost and with imaginative accommodations organization, provide the travel support to all the scholars requiring assistance. In that first year, Symantec funded the first eCrime Fighters Scholarship program at Orlando in 2006.

Since then, APWG General Meeting and eCrime Researchers Summit sponsors from companies like MarkMonitor, Afilias, PGP and the CERT/Software Engineering Institute have supported the scholarship program.

In 2010, the IEEE Standards Association, which had served as Technical Sponsor since 2007 and publisher of the eCrime Research Summit’s papers and proceedings though the IEEEXplore Digital Library since 2008, stepped up as a patron of the eCrime Fighter Scholarship Program, support for which the APWG and its researchers are forever grateful.

At that time of the IEEE-SA announcement, APWG Deputy Secretary General Foy Shiver said in a prepared statement, “When we began working on eCRS and the scholarship program, our main goal was to raise awareness and interest among researchers to focus resources on the electronic crime problem. With this further investment by the IEEE-SA in the program we can continue to expand the program and involve more Universities and Researchers around the globe.”

Today, the scholarship program supports travel for researchers to participate in the eCrime Researchers Summit and for cash awards that go to the highest-scoring paper to go through conference review and the runner up, every year helping to build the community of researchers who have found fellowship in this vital new research discipline.

Researchers with accepted papers who are without departmental resources for travel can contact DSG Foy Shiver through the mail forward