eCrime 2021

eCrime 2021 – Symposium on Electronic Crime Research

Virtual eCrime 2021: December 1 – 3, 2021

For 2021 APWG’s members will once again come together to bridge the gaps between cybersecurity operations, research and consumer messaging with our sixteenth Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime 2021).

eCrime 2021 will look at the operational challenges and development of common resources and best practices for first responders and forensic professionals. In addition, the conference will dive into current research projects and future areas of interest for cybercrime investigations, forensic techniques and infrastructure defense. including our peer-reviewed cybercrime published paper program with the IEEE-SA.

Operational and research insights for fighting electronic crime will be complimented and augmented with discussions on citizen awareness programs to help ensure a secure computing environment. This year’s meeting will bring a focus on the shifting nature of cybercrime and the inherent challenges of managing that dynamic threatscape.

With eCrime 2021 we will review the development of response paradigms and resources for counter-cybercrime managers and forensic professionals in the private and public sectors. Presenters will review case studies of national and regional economies under attack, narratives of successful trans-national forensic cooperation, while considering models for cooperation against ecrime and examining resources for cybercrime response and forensic enterprise.

This program will be held via Zoom Webinar.

Registration link to attend will be posted closer to the event.

Please contact Deputy-Secretary Foy Shiver for details via email at


Call for Research Papers

eCrime 2021 consists of a 3 day program composed of keynote presentations, technical and practical sessions, and interactive panels. An overarching goal of these meetings is bringing together academic researchers, industry security practitioners, and law enforcement to discuss and exchange ideas, experiences and lessons learnt combating cybercrime.

Important Dates:

Submission Date Extension!

Full Papers registration and submission due: September 10, 2021 September 24, 2021

Paper Notifications due: October 25, 2021 November 1, 2021

Request for a stipend: N/A

Camera ready due: November 22, 2021

Conference: December 1-3, 2021

Submission topics include but are not limited to:

  • Detecting and/or mitigating eCrime (e.g. online fraud, malware, phishing, ransomware, etc.)
  • Measuring and modeling of eCrime
  • Economics of online crime
  • eCrime delivery strategies and countermeasures (e.g. spam, mobile apps, social engineering, etc.)
  • Security assessments of mobile devices
  • Public Policy and Law for online crime

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements. In addition, cash awards will be given for the best paper overall and the best student co-authored paper. In 2021, the conference will be held online.

Instructions for Authors

eCrime has adopted the IEEE publication format. Submissions should be in English, in PDF format with all fonts embedded, formatted using the IEEE conference template, found here:

Submissions should be anonymised, excluding author names, affiliations and acknowledgments. Authors’ own work should be referred to in the third person. Submissions should not exceed 12 letter-sized pages, not counting the bibliography and appendices. Papers should begin with a title, abstract, and an introduction that clearly summarizes the contributions of the paper at a level appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Papers should contain a scholarly exposition of ideas, techniques, and results, including motivation, relevance to practical applications, and a clear comparison with related work. Committee members are not required to read appendices, and papers should be intelligible without them. Submitted papers risk being rejected without consideration of their merits if they do not follow all the above guidelines. Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that was published elsewhere, or work that any of the authors has submitted in parallel to any other conference or workshop that has proceedings.

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

Authors will be asked to indicate whether their submissions should be considered for the best student paper award; any paper co-authored by a full-time student is eligible for this award.

Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their paper will be presented at the conference (we note online presentations will be possible this year). 

For paper submissions in 2021 please register an account then use the New Submission option at


Organizing Committee

General Chair:
Alice Hutchings, University of Cambridge

Program Chair:
Guy-Vincent Jourdan, University of Ottawa

Program Committee:

Adam Oest, PayPal
Anshul Rege, Temple University
Daniel R. Thomas, University of Strathclyde
Enrico Mariconti, University College London
Federico Maggi, Trend Micro
Hossein Siadati, Google Inc.
Jonathan Clough, Monash University
Qian Cui, Amazon AWS
Lisa Sugiura, University of Portsmouth
Luca Allodi, Eindhoven University of Technology
Marianne Junger, University of Twente
Markus Jakobsson, ZapFraud
Moury Bidgoli, Pennsylvania State University
Nektarios Leontiadis, Facebook
Platon Kotzias, NortonLifeLock Research Group
Rebekah Overdorf, EPFL
Sergio Pastrana, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Shuang Hao, UT Dallas
Timothy Barron, Yale University
Tyler Moore, University of Tulsa
Yun Shen, NortonLifeLock Research Group
Zhibo Sun, Arizona State University

Call for Session/Panel Proposals

APWG members, research partner, correspondents and cybercrime experts in all fields are invited to submit their proposals for presentations and panel discussions.

The APWG eCrime 2021 conference investigates the modern phenomena of electronic crime from the point of view of the responder who must undertake forensic exercises to investigate cybercrimes and protect both consumers and enterprise computer and network users every day. eCrime presenters discuss all aspects of electronic crime and ways to combat it.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Detecting and/or mitigating eCrime (e.g. online fraud, malware, phishing, ransomware, etc.)
  • Measuring and modeling of eCrime
  • Behavioral aspects of cybercrime victimization and prevention
  • Economics of online crime
  • eCrime delivery strategies and countermeasures (e.g. spam, mobile apps, social engineering, etc.)
  • Security assessments of mobile devices
  • Public Policy and Law for online crime

Instructions for Authors: General Session Proposals

Submissions should be sent in an email to with the subject “eCrime 2021 Session Proposal.”   Include author names, affiliations and acknowledgments, proposal title and a short abstract for the session.  Samples slides may be included with your submission.

Proposals will be accepted through midnight November 17.